Don’t forget your Grand Parents this Grandparent’s day!( September 12, 2021)
“Grandparents make the world a little softer, a little kinder, and a little warmer.” —Unknown
I would love to shower my grandmother (Mama) with flowers and she would l love them. What a wonderful grandparent she was.

September 12 , 2021 is National Grand Parents Day which honors all the sweet Grand Parents in our lives . At EMY Flowers we have many special floral gifts to show them you care. Wonderful grandparents deserved to be showered with flowers !
Grandparents Can Sometimes Take on the Roll as Primary Caregivers!
“My sweet girl Sherry,” That is what she called me and I can still hear her. There are times when I can still feel her callused hands rubbing her holistic ointments on my forehead and back when I got sick . She worked hard her entire life but remained a woman of strong faith who taught me how to pray. We walked many places because we had no other means of transportation. The sun was very hot on some of those walks and the hills were tiring but with her I found the courage and comfort to keep going. She always said “Darling we are not walking alone God is with us. Don’t forget to pray’.
A grandparent is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend -unknown
Like many children I was raised by my grandmother. I was a child whose parents migrated to the United States for a better life and as result, my grandmother became my guardian and my uncles helped her.
I found this on More U.S. Children Raised by Grandparents | PRB
Nationwide, 2.7 million grandparents are raising grandchildren, and about 20% of those earn incomes that fall below the federal poverty line
My mama made it work and although there were times I felt was cut short when I saw other children with their parents I remembered our time together and how lucky I was to have my mama.
Some of the Best Teachers in life are Grandmothers!
Mama was loving, strong, beautiful and a straight to the point type of grandmother. We were poor but rich with love and laughter and lets not forget the hugs. She ran a little business where she sold food, sweet potatoes ,and our livestock . We spent early mornings at the beach and evenings working together in our flower and vegetable garden. She loved plants and flowers. She taught me the importance of entrepreneurship from a young age. My grandmother taught me so much and there some lessons I still apply to my life today. If she was here today I would shower her with flowers to show her my love and appreciation .
My grandmother inspires me to be the best grandmother to my new twin grandchildren .
Don’t forget to order flowers for your grandparents. We will have special flowers available to order or you can choose designers choice. At special request I will also design Memorial Cones for Burial sites just go to Shop – EMY Custom Flowers to order or call us. Order by September 8, 5pm and get 5% off. Also there are special orders and prices for local children wanting to buy for the grandparents starting at call us to discuss. 914 230 4582